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Life Coaching with Roxane Fogard
Breath Integration Coaching
About Roxane Fogard and Body and Soul, Inc.
Breath Integration Coaching 

Breath Integration Coaching

The Power of the Breath
Breath Integration is a powerful and gentle path to personal and spiritual growth.  It is a highly effective tool used to consciously bring up the rubbish in the mind and emotion so that it can be released and transformed. 
This ancient yogic breathing technique is a deep cleansing of the mental and emotional patterns that hold us back from who we truly are.  It is designed to bring into our awareness suppressed patterns to be released, thus freeing vital energy to live more fully, with greater ease and joy.  The result is a deeper experience of our divine selves, our personal visions, and our inner guidance.

This is a 1½ hour session beginning with a 30 minute consultation to focus and set the intention and then breathing dynamically for 30 to 45 minutes lying on a mat. I will support you in allowing suppressed thoughts and emotions to come to the surface so they can be expressed and released.  We end with inspiration, affirmation, and home work to support you in your new awareness.
I suggest that you try one session to determine if this is your next step.  

 1½ hour $150

Breath Integration Coaching testimonials
When I first heard the term "breath integration coaching," I thought it was some kind of hocus-pocus. Why did I need help with breathing? Don't I already breathe every single day? Thankfully, my curiosity got the best of me and I finally asked about it.
At the time, I was struggling with some life decisions and was uncertain about how to overcome self-defeating beliefs and behaviors. I contracted with Roxane for a series of breath sessions. What I quickly learned was that this was not your average, every-day kind of breathing! It was a way to truly focus on specific details and issues that affected my decisions. It helped to clarify my beliefs about myself.
Our self-beliefs as adults are almost always based on how we interpreted life as a child. Breath Integration Coaching helped me to recognize that I often saw myself the way that I thought my parents saw me. But those assumptions are the beliefs of my childhood. I came to see that I have the power to create my own reality, including how I view myself as a person.
I didn't tell people that I was going through this type of coaching. But over the course of time, I received several comments from both family and friends that something was different about me, in a good way! I have a calmness in my life that wasn't there before. The rough edges have softened.
It was hard work, and I continue to be a work in progress. You have to be willing to be completely honest and vulnerable with breath integration coaching. Roxane has such a gift for creating a safe and supportive environment. Her ability to intuitively guide you through the process is inspiring. To this day, going through Breath Integration Coaching is one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Wendy Sievert RN

Breath Integration Coaching was a wonderful experience teaching me to face the challenges of life with more confidence and a stronger spiritual connection.
I have learned to experience more joy, banished depression, and reduced anxiety which has improved my personal and professional relationships.
P. Ranch
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